Lefis Consulting Sdn. Bhd. offers its management expertise and provides outsourcing solutions to a diverse clientele that span various industry segments, from start-ups and growing establishments to corporations listed on Bursa Malaysia.
The core services of LEFIS are in corporate governance, internal audit & risk management, accounting & payroll services and assisting inward investors establish themselves in Malaysia by providing compliance advisory & application services related to the various governmental and regulatory authorities.
Personalised senior level involvement in all assignments is a key driver in our business model to ensure exceptional customer satisfaction.
They deliver products and services in a cost effective and efficient manner. Payback to customers is reflected through higher productivity within their organizations.
Their Services:-
Corporate Governance
Gap analysis & benchmarking
Committee formations including terms of reference
Internal Audit
Outsourcing & Co- Sourcing
Establishing and/or
Re-engineering the internal audit functions
Quality assurance reviews
Business process reviews
Risk Management
Establishing a risk assessment framework
Risk profiling
Accounting & Payroll Processing
Book keeping
Management financial reports
Accounts payable processing
Payroll processing services
Compliance Advisory & Application Services
Business regulations
Licensing requirements
Exchange controls
Immigration requirements
Employment laws
GENESIS MR CORPORATE SDN BHD offers a wide range of company secretarial and corporate advisory services. Their client portfolio consist of local and foreign corporations and multinationals across a wide range of industries.
They provide the following range of professional services:-
New Incorporation (Private and Public Company) under Companies Act, 1965.
General Corporate Services (Private and Public Company)
a. Provision of 2 qualified company secretaries
b. The use of our address as the Company’s registered office.
c. Responsible to Registrar of Companies (ROC), Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and Securities Commissions (SC), and other relevant regulatory authorities in compliance with the Companies Act, Listing Requirements, Securities Industry Act, undertaking the release of announcements to KLSE and SC.
d. The maintenance and update of the statutory registers prescribed by the Companies Act, 1965:-
e. Attending Board of Directors’ Meeting and Annual General Meetings and such other meetings as and when necessary, including the issuing of meeting agendas and preparation of minutes.
f. Preparation of Circular Resolutions, Member’s Circular Resolution.
g. Filing with the Registrar of Companies the Notice of Resolution and other Statutory Returns required to be filed by the Act and dealing with other correspondences with the Registrar of Companies
h. Filing of the respective prescribed forms with KLSE and SC.
i. Preparation and attending to the lodgement of Annual Returns with the Registrar of Companies.
Conversion from Private Company to Public Company or vice versa.
Corporate Advisory Services/Restructuring
The assisting companies on matters pertaining to local legislation in Company Law and compliance therewith.
Formation of a Foundation
a. Formation of a Foundation
b. Filing with the Registrar of Companies the Statutory Returns required to be filed by the Act and dealing with other correspondences with the Registrar of Companies
Foreign Company
a. Registration of Foreign Company
b. Acting as local agents to the Foreign Company
c. Filing with the Registrar of Companies the Statutory Returns required to be filed by the Act and dealing with other correspondences with the Registrar of Companies
Nominee Directors/Shareholders
Provide Nominee Directors/Shareholders (Bumi/Non-Bumi) in compliance with the minimum requirement of directorship or shareholding in a company.
Company Search
a.Search for Statutory documents, certified by ROC
b.Computer Print out - extracting corporate information of any companies registered in ROC
Striking Off of Dormant companies pursuant to Section 308 of the Companies Act, 1965 and Members’ Voluntary Winding Up.
Express Service – Name Search, Updating Corporate Data in ROC, Issuing of Certificate of Incorporation/Change of Name, etc.

MustaphaRaj is a firm of Chartered Accountants with a strong presence in the Klang Valley and a broad portfolio of business and private clients. Their staff force of 50 plus are totally committed to quality service and come from a broad range of industries, including manufacturing, banking, technological, engineering, pharmaceuticals, construction and health.
They assist clients meet their business requirement by offering a series of business improvement solutions principally in the areas of corporate finance, corporate insolvency/recovery, corporate governance and general practice, thus enabling valued clients to focus on their core business activities. They also provide innovative, yet practical solutions to help take the business to the next level of success.
They provide a one stop business solution centre to meet business requirements through their well connected network/alliances of legal, engineering and information technology specialists together with other corporate finance teams within the industry.
Spectrum of Services
Their services include but not limited to the following:-
Mergers and Acquisitions
Financial Advisory and Strategy
Business Valuations
Business Modeling
Floatation and Public Offerings
Receivers & Managers
Insolvency Services
Arrangements And Reconstructions
Financial Supervision of Corporate Borrower
Corporate Rehabilitation/Turnaround
Quick Reviews/Monitoring Accountant
Internal Audit Services
Strategic Planning /Succession Planning System
Enterprise Risk Management
Forensic Accounting
Audit Services (including value for money and acquisition audits
Accounting Services
Tax Planning and Compliance Services
Company Secretarial Services/Shelf Company
Accounting Software Solutions
Professional Work Permits
General Immigration Matters
Human Resources and Office Management
Research and Market Studies
Foreign Investment Committee
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) Application i.e. Manufacturing Advisory
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Application e.g. Operational Headquarters, Regional and Representative Office
Liaising with Government Bodies e.g. Ministries and Authorities for licensing, approvals and incentive.